Baby Wisp Summer Face Announcement

photo session and photos courtesy FOUR BEES PHOTOGRAPHY . Copyright 2014. - do not duplicate.

It's Official! Our Baby Wisp Summer Face is little miss Scarlett!  She has won ONE of EVERY colour clip in ANY style of her choice! Congratulations Scarlett!!



I would like to thank all of the moms and their beautiful baby girls- and boy- that came out to the Spring Session Casting Call!

We had so much fun and got to see a bunch of our new clips on some brand new faces! If you didn't make it out to the

spring session here are some photos from the event! 



I was also able to show all of our Mama's the best way to put in their Mini Latch clips- check out this for a demo. 



Get social with us! Share your ideas and photos featuring Baby Wisp Hair Accessories!