Special Limited Time offer for our loyal customers
Loyalty Points Add Up Here...Why waste them?
So we noticed you have $5.00 or more of loyalty points just waiting for you on www.babywisp.com. (Some of you - have over $10 worth of points!!!) This tells us you have tried our products and we want you to come back to use your points! We have reduced our shipping rates further to $4.95 this month so you're basically getting FREE SHIPPING if you live in Canada or USA. So Why not? LOGIN NOW. If you are having any trouble at all, please email customerservice@babywisp.com
Thank you for your support
We also are taking this opportunity not just to remind you to use your loyalty points up but to also provide you with an exclusive offer.
From now until December 8, 2015, take 20% off your entire purchase at our shop! We did not send this offer to all our newsletter subscribers, only the select few who have really supported us with their purchases and we wanted to thank you!!! Please login to redeem.
Enjoy the holiday season folks and hope you are able to find something you like. If you haven't been here in a while, we have new products you should check out here>>>
Please note the coupon expires at 11:59 EST on December 8, 2015.