Rosettes, in bloom
I think what’s best about Baby Wisp as a hair accessories company is that we are continuously bringing new products to the market. Not just some product that everyone else is carrying but something we reached into the depths of our brain and tapped. Whether it was an idea drawn from a designer clothing/ jewellery piece, or some unpolished gem we found at the dreaded box store that didn’t quite make the mark…so we started there. Who says we have to be completely original. I think those that say they are, are not crediting their inspiration. EVERYONE is inspired by something. My muse is often my daughter but just as inspiring may be some some funky patterned fabric or art canvas.
Born is our new collection of vintage rosettes. I can’t pin-point exactly what inspired this collection as this is a quite popular type of flower on clothing and hair right now that we just had to add the Baby Wisp touches to it so that our little ones could look oh so chic in it! Sales are indicating that the single rosette is more popular than the birdcage-veiled triple rosette. This surprises me a little bit as I am quite taken with the Audrey-esk look to the triple rosettes but the feathers are fun. I included a couple of pictures. I love baby Chloe, she makes it so easy to love what I do even more by looking so exquisite in anything I dress her up with.